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Coordinate-by-coordinate interleaved trellis coded QPSK with T-algorithm on Rayleigh fading channels.

, , , and . PIMRC, page 497-501. (1995)

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Simultaneous estimation of code and frequency of DS/SS signals of multiple-LEO-satellite communication systems., , , and . PIMRC, page 1019-1023. IEEE, (1997)Problems of implementing adaptive array antennas in CDMA systems., , , and . PIMRC, page 1422-1426. IEEE, (1998)Cross-Lingual Retrieval of Identical News Events by Near-Duplicate Video Segment Detection., , , and . MMM, volume 4903 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 287-296. Springer, (2008)Interactive Variable Classification Technique to Support the Maintenance of COBOL Business Application Systems., , , and . APSEC, page 500-506. IEEE Computer Society, (1999)Construction of the three-dimensional brain tumor model for the operative treatment simulation by 3-D active sphere., , , , , and . Image-Guided Procedures, volume 5029 of SPIE Proceedings, SPIE, (2003)Application of MMSE multi-user detection to CDMA unslotted ALOHA system., , , and . PIMRC, page 529-533. IEEE, (2000)Throughput evaluation in CDMA/shared-TDD packet systems in a cellular environment., , , and . WCNC, page 321-326. IEEE, (2000)A preliminary study of a multimedia SSMA system considering the interactions between the signals., , , and . PIMRC, page 31-35. (1995)The DS/CDMA system using transmission diversity for indoor wireless communications., , , and . PIMRC, page 808-812. (1996)Coordinate-by-coordinate interleaved trellis coded QPSK with T-algorithm on Rayleigh fading channels., , , and . PIMRC, page 497-501. (1995)