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Weitere Publikationen von Autoren mit dem selben Namen

Who plays, how much, and why? Debunking the stereotypical gamer profile., , und . J. Comput. Mediat. Commun., 13 (4): 993-1018 (2008)From Tree House to Barracks: The Social Life of Guilds in World of Warcraft., , , , , und . Games Cult., 1 (4): 338-361 (2006)Do men heal more when in drag?: conflicting identity cues between user and avatar., , , und . CHI, Seite 773-776. ACM, (2011)The Unbearable Likeness of Being Digital: The Persistence of Nonverbal Social Norms in Online Virtual Environments., , , , und . Cyberpsy., Behavior, and Soc. Networking, 10 (1): 115-121 (2007)Motivations for Play in Online Games.. Cyberpsy., Behavior, and Soc. Networking, 9 (6): 772-775 (2006)Through the azerothian looking glass: mapping in-game preferences to real world demographics., , , und . CHI, Seite 2811-2814. ACM, (2012)Problematic Internet use and psychosocial well-being among MMO players., , und . Comput. Hum. Behav., 25 (6): 1312-1319 (2009)The Demographics, Motivations, and Derived Experiences of Users of Massively Multi-User Online Graphical Environments.. Presence, 15 (3): 309-329 (2006)Virtual Interpersonal Touch: Expressing and Recognizing Emotions Through Haptic Devices., , , , und . Human-Computer Interaction, 22 (3): 325-353 (2007)A meta-analysis of the impact of the inclusion and realism of human-like faces on user experiences in interfaces., , und . CHI, Seite 1-10. ACM, (2007)