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Feature vector transformation using independent component analysis and its application to speaker identification.

, , and . EUROSPEECH, page 767-770. ISCA, (1999)

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A new band-splitting method for two-band speech model., , and . IEEE Signal Process. Lett., 8 (12): 317-320 (2001)New analysis method for harmonic plus noise model based on time-domain periodicity score., and . INTERSPEECH, page 275-278. ISCA, (2000)A neural network for 500 vocabulary word spotting using acoustic sub-word units., and . ICASSP, page 3277-3280. IEEE Computer Society, (1997)A segmental-feature HMM using parametric trajectory model., and . ICASSP, page 1249-1252. IEEE, (2000)Feature vector transformation using independent component analysis and its application to speaker identification., , and . EUROSPEECH, page 767-770. ISCA, (1999)On-line speaker adaptation based emotion recognition using incremental emotional information., , and . ICASSP, page 4948-4951. IEEE, (2011)N-gram Adaptation with Dynamic Interpolation Coefficient Using Information Retrieval Technique., and . IEICE Trans. Inf. Syst., 89-D (9): 2579-2582 (2006)Improved lexicon modeling for continuous speech recognition., , and . ICASSP, page 1827-1830. IEEE Computer Society, (1997)Robust estimation of discrete hidden Markov model parameters using the entropy-based feature-parameter weighting and source-quantization modeling., , and . Artif. Intell. Eng., 12 (3): 243-252 (1998)Mixed multi-band excitation coder using frequency domain mixture function (FDMF) for a low-bit rate speech coding., , and . EUROSPEECH, page 1311-1314. ISCA, (1997)