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The Comparative Performance of the Public Enterprise Sector in Turkey: A Malmquist Productivity Index Approach, и . Journal of Comparative Economics, 25 (2): 129--157 (октября 1997)Catching-up and innovation in high- and low-income countries, и . Economics Letters, 54 (1): 93--100 (января 1997)Searching for a Kuznets curve in environmental efficiency using kernel estimation, и . Economics Letters, 68 (2): 217--223 (августа 2000)Productivity growth in OECD countries: A comparison with Malmquist indices, и . Journal of Comparative Economics, 33 (2): 401--420 (июня 2005)The role of international trade on environmental efficiency: a DEA approach, и . Economic Modelling, 18 (1): 1--17 (января 2001)