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Characterizing chip-multiprocessor variability-tolerance., и . DAC, стр. 313-318. ACM, (2008)Information theoretic measures of energy consumption at register transfer level., , и . ISLPD, стр. 81-86. ACM, (1995)Voltage-Frequency Island Partitioning for GALS-based Networks-on-Chip., , , и . DAC, стр. 110-115. IEEE, (2007)Variability and energy awareness: a microarchitecture-level perspective., и . DAC, стр. 11-16. ACM, (2005)Challenges and opportunities in electronic textiles modeling and optimization., , и . DAC, стр. 175-180. ACM, (2002)Hardware based frequency/voltage control of voltage frequency island systems., и . CODES+ISSS, стр. 34-39. ACM, (2006)System-level mitigation of WID leakage power variability using body-bias islands., и . CODES+ISSS, стр. 273-278. ACM, (2008)Understanding and Using Heterogeneity for High Performance, Energy Efficient Computing: Special Session Extended Abstract., , и . CSCS, стр. 1000. IEEE, (2015)Soft error rate analysis for sequential circuits., и . DATE, стр. 1436-1441. EDA Consortium, San Jose, CA, USA, (2007)Composite sequence compaction for finite-state machines using block entropy and high-order Markov models., , и . ISLPED, стр. 190-195. ACM, (1997)