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Towards Sustainable Information Infrastructure Platform for Smart Mobility - Project Overview., , , , , , , , , и . IIAI-AAI, стр. 211-214. IEEE Computer Society, (2016)A Map Database System for Route Navigation with Multiple Transit Points and Destination Points., и . IIAI-AAI, стр. 219-223. IEEE Computer Society, (2016)Spontaneous structure formation in a network of dynamic elements, и . Phys. Rev. E, (2003)Life as complex systems: Intra-inter dynamics, isologous diversification, and emergence of recursivity. Physica A: Statistical and Theoretical Physics, 254 (1-2): 73--76 (15.05.1998)Robust and irreversible development in cell society as a general consequence of intra-inter dynamics, и . Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 280 (1-2): 22--33 (15.05.2000)Impact of sub and supra-threshold adaptation currents in networks of spiking neurons., , и . J. Comput. Neurosci., 39 (3): 255-270 (2015)Map Database Design for Route Finding and Natural Disaster Risk Evaluation.. ICA, стр. 139-141. IEEE, (2016)Evolution of Cooperation, Differentiation, Complexity, and Diversity in an Iterated Three-person Game., и . BIES, стр. 76-83. Japan Society for Fuzzy Theory and Systems (SOFT), (1995)Functional Dynamics by Intention Recognition in Iterated Games., и . CoRR, (2018)Long-range correlation in protein dynamics: Confirmation by structural data and normal mode analysis., и . PLoS Comput. Biol., (2020)