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Investigating Excessive Delays in Mobile Broadband Networks., , , , , and . AllThingsCellular@SIGCOMM, page 51-56. ACM, (2015)TCP Congestion Signatures., , , and . ANRW, page 18. ACM, (2018)vrfinder: Finding Outbound Addresses in Traceroute., , , and . SIGMETRICS (Abstracts), page 55-56. ACM, (2020)MAnycast2: Using Anycast to Measure Anycast., , , , , , , and . Internet Measurement Conference, page 456-463. ACM, (2020)Coarse-grained Inference of BGP Community Intent., , , and . IMC, page 66-72. ACM, (2023)Where .ru?: assessing the impact of conflict on russian domain infrastructure., , , , , , , and . IMC, page 159-165. ACM, (2022)Learning Regexes to Extract Router Names from Hostnames., , and . Internet Measurement Conference, page 337-350. ACM, (2019)Measuring the deployment of IPv6: topology, routing and performance., , , , , and . Internet Measurement Conference, page 537-550. ACM, (2012)Workshop on internet economics (WIE2009) report.. Comput. Commun. Rev., 40 (2): 56-59 (2010)The 3rd workshop on active internet measurements (AIMS-3) report.. Comput. Commun. Rev., 41 (3): 37-42 (2011)