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Agreement on Target-Bidirectional LSTMs for Sequence-to-Sequence Learning.

, , , and . AAAI, page 2630-2637. AAAI Press, (2016)

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Language independent word segmentation for statistical machine translation., , and . IUCS, volume 398 of ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, page 36-40. ACM, (2009)The Asian network-based speech-to-speech translation system., , , , , , , , , and 3 other author(s). ASRU, page 507-512. IEEE, (2009)Method to Build a Bilingual Lexicon for Speech-to-Speech Translation Systems., , and . CICLing (2), volume 7182 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 122-131. Springer, (2012)Speaking Louder than Words with Pictures Across Languages., , , and . AI Mag., 34 (2): 31-47 (2013)Universal Multimodal Representation for Language Understanding., , , , , , and . IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell., 45 (7): 9169-9185 (July 2023)Translation Quality Indicators for Pivot-based Statistical MT., and . IJCNLP, page 811-818. The Association for Computer Linguistics, (2011)Context-Aware Smoothing for Neural Machine Translation., , , , and . IJCNLP(1), page 11-20. Asian Federation of Natural Language Processing, (2017)Phrase-based Machine Transliteration., and . IJCNLP, page 13-18. The Association for Computer Linguistics, (2008)Statistical machine translation decoder based on phrase., and . INTERSPEECH, page 1889-1892. ISCA, (2002)Example-based error recovery method for speech translation: repairing sub-trees according to the semantic distance., , and . ICSLP, ISCA, (1998)