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Grasping using a three-fingered gripper, и . Proc 26th Machine Tool Design and Research Conference, стр. 123--126. Manchester, (1986)The synthesis of point contact restraint of a rigid body, и . Trans.\ ASME, Journal of Mechanisms, Transmissions and Automation in Design, (декабря 1985)Optimal synthesis of point contact restraint, , и . Procedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, (1992)Restraint analysis of a rigid body using frictional elastic contacts, и . Trans.\ ASME, Journal of Mechanisms, Transmissions and Automation in Design, (декабря 1987)In-grasp robotic fine motion with frictionless elastic point contacts, и . Procedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, (1992)The inner product in the evaluation of reciprocal screws, и . Mechanism and Machine Theory, 24 (2): 87--92 (1989)The analysis of kinematic restraint, и . Proceedings of the Sixth World COngress on the Theory of Machines and Mechanisms, стр. 299-302. New Delhi, Wiley Eastern Ltd, (1983)Analysis and synthesis of frictionless planar grasps in an image space, и . Robotics, Spatial Mechanisms and Mechanical Systems, (1992)