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Combined interpolation architecture for soft-decision decoding of Reed-Solomon codes., , и . ICCD, стр. 526-531. IEEE Computer Society, (2008)Hardware complexities of algebraic soft-decision Reed-Solomon decoders and comparisons., и . ITA, стр. 558-567. IEEE, (2010)Efficient Interpolation Architecture for Soft-Decision Reed-Solomon Decoding., и . SiPS, стр. 663-668. IEEE, (2007)Efficient interpolration architecture for soft-decision Reed-Solomon decoding by applying slow-down., и . SiPS, стр. 19-24. IEEE, (2008)Scalable interpolation architecture for soft-decision Reed-Solomon decoding., и . APCCAS, стр. 41-44. IEEE, (2008)A novel polynomial selection scheme for low-complexity chase algebraic soft-decision reed-solomon decoding., , и . ISCAS, стр. 2689-2692. IEEE, (2011)Efficient architecture for generalized minimum-distance decoder of Reed-Solomon codes., и . ICASSP, стр. 1502-1505. IEEE, (2010)Efficient VLSI Architecture for Soft-Decision Decoding of Reed-Solomon Codes., и . IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. I Regul. Pap., 55-I (10): 3050-3062 (2008)Polar codes for NAND-based SSD systems: A joint source channel coding perspective., , и . ITW, стр. 196-200. IEEE, (2017)Factorization-free Low-complexity Chase Soft-decision Decoding of Reed-Solomon Codes., и . ISCAS, стр. 2677-2680. IEEE, (2009)