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NeuroMask: Explaining Predictions of Deep Neural Networks through Mask Learning., , , и . SMARTCOMP, стр. 81-86. IEEE, (2019)CAAD 2018: Generating Transferable Adversarial Examples., , и . CoRR, (2018)Generating Natural Language Adversarial Examples., , , , , и . EMNLP, стр. 2890-2896. Association for Computational Linguistics, (2018)Deep Residual Neural Networks for Audio Spoofing Detection., , и . INTERSPEECH, стр. 1078-1082. ISCA, (2019)CryptoImg: Privacy preserving processing over encrypted images., , , и . CNS, стр. 570-575. IEEE, (2016)CALRec: Contrastive Alignment of Generative LLMs for Sequential Recommendation., , , , , , и . RecSys, стр. 422-432. ACM, (2024)Mondegreen: A Post-Processing Solution to Speech Recognition Error Correction for Voice Search Queries., , , , , , , , , и 11 other автор(ы). KDD, стр. 3569-3575. ACM, (2021)GenAttack: practical black-box attacks with gradient-free optimization., , , , , и . GECCO, стр. 1111-1119. ACM, (2019)SpyCon: Adaptation Based Spyware in Human-in-the-Loop IoT., , , , и . IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy Workshops, стр. 163-168. IEEE, (2019)Demonstrating CrowdInside: A system for the automatic construction of indoor floor-plans., и . PerCom Workshops, стр. 321-323. IEEE Computer Society, (2013)