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Approximating Correlated Equilibria using Relaxations on the Marginal Polytope., , and . ICML, page 1153-1160. Omnipress, (2011)A Maximum Entropy Algorithm for Rhythmic Analysis of Genome-Wide Expression Patterns., , and . CSB, page 237-245. IEEE Computer Society, (2002)Analogies between structural and systems biology and systems-of-systems engineering in dynamic environments., , , , , and . SoSE, page 1-7. IEEE, (2010)Sound Analysis, Comparison and Modification Based on Perceptual Model of Timbre.. ICMC, Michigan Publishing, (1995)Poster: Synthesis of biochemical models., and . ICCABS, page 248. IEEE Computer Society, (2011)Symbolic Approaches for Finding Control Strategies in Boolean Networks., and . APBC, volume 6 of Advances in Bioinformatics and Computational Biology, page 307-320. Imperial College Press, (2008)Statistical Model Checking in BioLab: Applications to the Automated Analysis of T-Cell Receptor Signaling Pathway., , , , , and . CMSB, volume 5307 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 231-250. Springer, (2008)3D Structural Homology Detection via Unassigned Residual Dipolar Couplings., and . CSB, page 209-219. IEEE Computer Society, (2003)High-Throughput 3D Structural Homology Detection via NMR Resonance Assignment., and . CSB, page 278-289. IEEE Computer Society, (2004)Bayesian optimization with evolutionary and structure-based regularization for directed protein evolution., and . Algorithms Mol. Biol., 16 (1): 13 (2021)