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Less watts, more performance: an intelligent storage engine for data appliances.

, , and . SIGMOD Conference, page 1073-1076. ACM, (2013)

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Analyzing memory accesses with modern processors., , , and . DaMoN, page 1:1-1:9. ACM, (2020)Scalable XQuery type matching.. EDBT, volume 261 of ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, page 38-48. ACM, (2008) DB: A Concept for Parallel Data Processing on Heterogeneous Hardware., , , , , and . ARCS, volume 12155 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 82-96. Springer, (2020)Snowfall: Hardware Stream Analysis Made Easy., and . BTW, volume P-180 of LNI, page 738-741. GI, (2011)Tutorium: Neue Hardwarearchitekturen für das Datenmanagement (DPMH)., , and . BTW Workshops, volume P-216 of LNI, page 277-278. GI, (2013)Micro Partitioning: Friendly to the Hardware and the Developer., and . DaMoN, page 27-34. ACM, (2023)Towards Data-Based Cache Optimization of B+-Trees., , , , and . DaMoN, page 63-69. ACM, (2023)FPGA acceleration for the frequent item problem., , and . ICDE, page 669-680. IEEE Computer Society, (2010)Main-memory hash joins on multi-core CPUs: Tuning to the underlying hardware., , , and . ICDE, page 362-373. IEEE Computer Society, (2013)FPGAs for data processing: Current state.. it Inf. Technol., 59 (3): 125 (2017)