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On the Power Allocation for Decode-and-Forward Cooperative Transmission Over Rayleigh-Fading Channels., и . VTC Fall, стр. 1669-1673. IEEE, (2007)A combined link adaptation and incremental redundancy protocol for enhanced data transmission., , и . GLOBECOM, стр. 1277-1281. IEEE, (2001)Integrated power control with concatenated coding for DS-CDMA systems., , и . VTC Fall, стр. 2285-2289. IEEE, (2001)Reliability of cluster-based multichannel MAC protocols in VANETs., , , и . ICC, стр. 418-423. IEEE, (2012)Performance analysis of rate adaptation in WCDMA communication systems., и . WCNC, стр. 1400-1405. IEEE, (2004)A New Broadcast Protocol for Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks Safety Applications., , , и . GLOBECOM, стр. 1-5. IEEE, (2010)Efficient Maximum Weighted Sum-Rate Computation for Multiple Input Single Output Broadcast Channels., , и . WASA, том 6843 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 48-59. Springer, (2011)A novel medium access control (MAC) protocol for VANETs., , , и . CHINACOM, стр. 685-690. IEEE Computer Society, (2011)Enhancing the DSRC reliability to allow the coexistence of VANET's applications., , и . GLOBECOM Workshops, стр. 1481-1486. IEEE, (2014)Collaborative Computing in Vehicular Networks: A Deep Reinforcement Learning Approach., , , , и . ICC, стр. 1-6. IEEE, (2020)