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The design and implementation of the 4.3 BSD Unix operating system.

, , , and . Addison-Wesley series in computer science Addison-Wesley, (1990)

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The design and implementation of the 4.3 BSD Unix operating system., , , and . Addison-Wesley series in computer science Addison-Wesley, (1990)A Pageable Memory Based Filesystem., , and . USENIX Summer, page 137-144. USENIX Association, (1990)Congestion Avoidance and Control, and . ACM Computer Communications Review, 18 (4): 314-329 (August 1988)Commercializing Open Source Software.. ACM Queue, 1 (5): 40 (2003)Directions of Unix at Berkeley., and . COMPCON, page 196-199. IEEE Computer Society, (1987)The Design and Implementation of the 4.3BSD Operating System, , , and . Addison Wesley, Reading, Massachusetts, (1989)Das 4.3 BSD Unix Betriebssystem - Design und Implementierung., , , and . Addison-Wesley, (1990)Network Performance and Management with 4.3BSD and IP/TCP., and . USENIX Summer, page 182-188. USENIX Association, (1986)