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Associating Field Components in Heterogeneous Handwritten form Images using Graph Autoencoder., и . WML@ICDAR, стр. 41-46. IEEE, (2019)GLCM and its application in pattern recognition., , и . ISCBI, стр. 20-25. IEEE, (2017)Multiview deep learning-based attack to break text-CAPTCHAs., , , и . Int. J. Mach. Learn. Cybern., 14 (3): 959-972 (марта 2023)Pattern-based image retrieval using GLCM., , , и . Neural Comput. Appl., 32 (15): 10819-10832 (2020)Cell Extraction and Horizontal-Scale Correction in Structured Documents., и . CVIP (2), том 1024 из Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, стр. 53-64. Springer, (2018)Word Spotting in Cluttered Environment., и . CVIP (2), том 1024 из Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, стр. 161-172. Springer, (2018)Image classification using SURF and bag of LBP features constructed by clustering with fixed centers., , и . Multimedia Tools Appl., 78 (11): 14129-14153 (2019)Growth of journals, articles and authors in malaria research., и . J. Informetrics, 4 (3): 249-256 (2010)A Critical Review on Sustainable Structural Optimization using Computational Approach., , и . AISD, том 3619 из CEUR Workshop Proceedings, стр. 65-70., (2023)Groundwater System Modeling for Pollution Source Identification Using Artificial Neural Network., и . SEMCCO (2), том 8298 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 226-236. Springer, (2013)