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Composing trustworthy context-dependent services.. SOCA, page 1-4. IEEE Computer Society, (2012)Empirical Investigation of Quantum Computing on Solving Complex Problems., , , , , and . XP Workshops, volume 489 of Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing, page 222-230. Springer, (2023)A Context-dependent Service Model., , and . EAI Endorsed Trans. Context-aware Syst. & Appl., 1 (2): e3 (2014)Trustworthy context-dependent services.. HotSoS, page 20. ACM, (2014)Empirical Investigation of role of Meta-learning approaches for the Improvement of Software Development Process via Software Fault Prediction., and . EASE, page 413-420. ACM, (2022)Ranking Energy-Aware Services.. SmartCity, page 575-580. IEEE Computer Society, (2015)Specification and Composition of Student-Oriented Services.. SmartCity, page 982-987. IEEE Computer Society, (2015)Smart Learner-Centric Learning Systems., and . ICISA, volume 424 of Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, page 577-584. Springer, (2017)XML Languages for Student-Oriented Services.. SmartCity, page 1018-1023. IEEE Computer Society, (2015)A Blockchain-Based Requirement Management Framework for Distributed Software Development Environment., , , , , and . QRS Companion, page 816-825. IEEE, (2023)