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SonicFinger: Pre-touch and Contact Detection Tactile Sensor for Reactive Pregrasping., , , , , , and . ICRA, page 12556-12562. IEEE, (2023)On-line recognition of limited-vocabulary Chinese character using multiple convolutional neural networks., , , and . ISCAS, page 2435-2438. IEEE, (1993)A neural network approach to handprint character recognition., , , , , , , , , and 7 other author(s). Compcon, page 472-475. IEEE Computer Society, (1991)A Neurocomputer Board Based on the ANNA Neural Network Chip., , and . NIPS, page 773-780. Morgan Kaufmann, (1991)Limits on learning machine accuracy imposed by data quality, , and . Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, page 239--246. (1995)Explaining How a Deep Neural Network Trained with End-to-End Learning Steers a Car., , , , , , and . CoRR, (2017)An application of neural net chips: handwritten digit recognition., , , , , and . ICNN, page 107-115. IEEE, (1988)Boosting and Other Machine Learning Algorithms., , , , and . ICML, page 53-61. Morgan Kaufmann, (1994)Handwritten digit recognition: applications of neural network chips and automatic learning., , , , , , , , and . IEEE Commun. Mag., 27 (11): 41-46 (1989)Achieving autonomous navigation in ground robotic vehicles., , , , and . Mobile Robots, volume 5609 of SPIE Proceedings, page 201-206. SPIE, (2002)