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An optimised multi-baseline approach for on-line MR-temperature monitoring on commodity graphics hardware., , , , , и . ISBI, стр. 1513-1516. IEEE, (2008)GPU Accelerated Surgical Simulators for Complex Morphology., и . VR, стр. 147-153. IEEE Computer Society, (2005)Connected Components Labeling on the GPU with Generalization to Voronoi Diagrams and Signed Distance Fields., , и . ISVC (1), том 8033 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 206-215. Springer, (2013)Active contours in optical flow fields for image sequence segmentation., , , , , , и . ISBI, стр. 916-919. IEEE, (2010)Surgical planning in congenital heart disease by means of real-time medical visualisation and simulation.. SIGGRAPH Electronic Art and Animation Catalog, стр. 295. ACM, (2005)Developing and Evaluating Virtual Cardiotomy for Preoperative Planning in Congenital Heart Disease., , , и . MMVR, том 142 из Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, стр. 340-345. IOS Press, (2009)GPU Accelerated Viscous-fluid Deformable Registration for Radiotherapy., , , , и . MMVR, том 132 из Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, стр. 327-332. IOS Press, (2008)Exploring Parallel Algorithms for Volumetric Mass-Spring-Damper Models in CUDA., , и . ISBMS, том 5104 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 49-58. Springer, (2008)Virtual open heart surgery: training complex surgical procedures in congenital heart disease., и . SIGGRAPH Emerging Technologies, стр. 35. ACM, (2006)Virtual Open Heart Surgery: Obtaining Models Suitable for Surgical Simulation., , и . MMVR, том 125 из Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, стр. 445-447. IOS Press, (2007)