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Design of high speed fish-like robot 'Ichthus V5.7'., и . URAI, стр. 451-453. IEEE, (2013)Implementation and navigation of a 3-DOF fish robot 'Ichthus V5.5'., , , и . ROBIO, стр. 1045-1049. IEEE, (2012)Multi-agent control and implementation of Bio-inspired underwater robots for mariculture monitoring and control., и . ROBIO, стр. 777-783. IEEE, (2012)Generation of optimal swimming algorithm using reference velocity for robotic fish "ichthus V3"., , , и . ROBIO, стр. 1718-1723. IEEE, (2011)Development of a 3-DOF Fish Robot 'ICHTHUS V5'., , и . Frontiers of Intelligent Autonomous Systems, том 466 из Studies in Computational Intelligence, Springer, (2013)Development of a 3-DOF Fish Robot 'ICHTHUS V5'., , и . IAS (1), том 193 из Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, стр. 567-576. Springer, (2012)Fuzzy logic based 2D position estimation for small robotic fish using low cost MEMS accelerometer., , и . ICAR, стр. 175-179. IEEE, (2011)Research and development of an acoustic modem for underwater bio-mimetic fish robots., , , , и . URAI, стр. 432-435. IEEE, (2013)Development of a micro manipulator using a microgripper and PZT actuator for microscopic operations., , , и . ROBIO, стр. 744-749. IEEE, (2011)Simulation based design for position estimation of small robotic fish., , , и . URAI, стр. 442-446. IEEE, (2013)