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Weitere Publikationen von Autoren mit dem selben Namen

Robust Quantization for Polycube Maps., , , , , und . Comput. Aided Des., (2022)Least squares conformal maps for automatic texture atlas generation, , , und . ACM Trans. Graph., 21 (3): 362--371 (2002)Principal Component Analysis under Population Genetic Models of Range Expansion and Admixture, , , , , und . Mol Biol Evol, (2010)Bayesian Estimation of Recent Migration Rates After a Spatial Expansion, , , , , und . Genetics, 170 (1): 409--417 (Mai 2005)Grid based data processing tools and applications for black sea catchment basin., , , , , , , und . IDAACS (1), Seite 223-228. IEEE, (2011)WPS mediation: An approach to process geospatial data on different computing backends., , , und . Comput. Geosci., (2012)Integration of data and computing infrastructures for earth science: an image mosaicking use-case., , , , , , , , , und . Earth Sci. Informatics, 9 (3): 325-342 (2016)Distributed computation of large scale SWAT models on the Grid., , , , und . Environ. Model. Softw., (2013)citesdb: An R package to support analysis of CITES Trade Database shipment-level data., , und . J. Open Source Softw., 4 (37): 1483 (2019)Spatial Data Processing Tools and Applications for Black Sea catchment Region., , , , , , , , , und . Int. J. Comput., 11 (4): 327-335 (2012)