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A prototype remote access and mobile data transaction system for police cruisers., and . VTC Spring, page 478-482. IEEE, (2002)Visual behavior during engagement with tangible and virtual representations of archaeological artifacts., , , and . PerDis, page 21:1-21:7. ACM, (2019)Switching between augmented reality and a manual-visual task: a preliminary study., , and . AutomotiveUI (adjunct), page 99-103. ACM, (2019)Augmented reality vs. street views: a driving simulator study comparing two emerging navigation aids., , , and . Mobile HCI, page 265-274. ACM, (2011)Spoken tasks for human-human experiments: towards in-car speech user interfaces for multi-threaded dialogue., , and . AutomotiveUI, page 57-63. ACM, (2010)Comparing heart rate and pupil size as objective measures of workload in the driving context: initial look., , , and . AutomotiveUI (adjunct), page 20-25. ACM, (2015)Workshop on The Mobile Office., , , and . AutomotiveUI (adjunct), page 10-16. ACM, (2018)Automotive user interfaces and interactive applications in the car, , , and . Personal and Ubiquitous Computing, 17 (5): 801--802 (2013)Exploring the effects of visual cognitive load and illumination on pupil diameter in driving simulators., and . ETRA, page 413-416. ACM, (2012)Estimating cognitive load using remote eye tracking in a driving simulator., , , and . ETRA, page 141-144. ACM, (2010)