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Implementation and Evaluation of Personal Ontology Building System with Virtual Agent., , , и . HCI (17), том 11582 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 391-403. Springer, (2019)Virtual Agent System to Induce Reminiscence Utterances With the Past and Present Map Information., , и . ICAT-EGVE (Posters and Demos), стр. 11-12. Eurographics Association, (2018)Proposal for a Personalized Adaptive Speaker Service to Support the Elderly at Home., , , и . SNPD, стр. 2-7. IEEE, (2021)Towards Assessing the Communication Responsiveness of People with Dementia., , , и . IVA, том 7502 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 496-498. Springer, (2012)Networked reminiscence therapy for individuals with dementia by using photo and video sharing., , , и . ASSETS, стр. 125-132. ACM, (2006)Capturing Activities of Daily Living for Elderly at Home Based on Environment Change and Speech Dialog., , , , и . HCI (17), том 10287 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 183-194. Springer, (2017)An Accompaniment System for Healing Emotions of Patients with Dementia Who Repeat Stereotypical Utterances., , , , , и . ICOST, том 6719 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 65-71. Springer, (2011)Capturing User-defined Facial Features for Scientific Evidence of Elderly Care., , , и . PerCom Workshops, стр. 1-6. IEEE, (2020)Extracting and Evaluating Personal Interests with Dialogue Agent., , , , и . HCI (18), том 12198 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 592-608. Springer, (2020)Compass4SL: a Service for Sharing Problems and Solutions for the Elderly at Home., , , , и . SNPD, стр. 62-67. IEEE, (2021)