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Measurement of the DVB-T2 with 256QAM rotated constellation and 32K extended mode in relation to variable pilot patterns., и . BMSB, стр. 1-4. IEEE, (2013)On the Performance of DVB-T2 MISO System: Special Fixed Transmission Scenarios., , , и . RADIOELEKTRONIKA, стр. 1-4. IEEE, (2021)DVB-T Modulator Imperfections Evaluation and Measurement., , и . SIGMAP, стр. 50-54. SciTePress, (2010)DVB-T2 Thresholds for Portable Indoor Reception Scenarios Respecting IQ-Errors., и . TSP, стр. 1-5. IEEE, (2018)Coexistence of DVB-T2 and LTE in the 800 MHz Band: Analysis of DVB-T2 System Configurations., , , , и . BMSB, стр. 1-5. IEEE, (2018)On The Coexistence Of LTE And Wi-Fi In The 2.4 Ghz ISM Band., , , , , , , и . TSP, стр. 24-27. IEEE, (2019)Influence of IQ-errors on DVB-T2 performance and its suppression by different methods., и . BMSB, стр. 1-5. IEEE, (2017)DVB-SH-A and DVB-T2 performance in mobile TV environment., и . ISWCS, стр. 1-5. IEEE, (2011)DVB-H and DVB-SH-A performance and evaluation of transmission in fading channels., и . TSP, стр. 549-553. IEEE, (2011)DVB-T and DVB-T2 performance in fixed terrestrial TV channels., и . TSP, стр. 725-729. IEEE, (2012)