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Weitere Publikationen von Autoren mit dem selben Namen

Researching crowdsourcing software development: perspectives and concerns., und . CSI-SE, Seite 7-10. ACM, (2014)A Delphi Study of Obsolete Assumptions in Free/libre and Open Source Software., , , , und . ECIS, (2022)Panel: Making an Impact with Responsible Information Systems Research., , , , , , und . ICIS, Association for Information Systems, (2021)Towards a Taxonomy for Evaluating Societal Concerns of Contact Tracing Apps., , , , , , , , , und 11 andere Autor(en). BESC, Seite 1-6. IEEE, (2020)Two early lives of Severos, patriarch of Antioch, und . Translated Texts for Historians Liverpool University Press, Liverpool, (2013)Understanding Free/Open Source Software Development Processes, , , , und . 11 (2): 95 --105 (März 2006)Understanding Open Source Software Development, und . Addison-Wesley, London, (2002)Multi-metaphor method: organizational metaphors in information systems development., und . Inf. Syst. J., 17 (4): 421-449 (2007)The systems development dilemma: Whether to adopt formalized systems development methodologies or not?. ECIS, Seite 691-706. Nijenrode University Press, (1994)Categories and Contexts of Information Systems Development: Making Sense of the Mess., und . ECIS, Seite 194-211. Copenhagen Business School, (1999)