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Markov Perfect Equilibrium: I. Observable Actions., and . J. Econ. Theory, 100 (2): 191-219 (2001)Some Simple Economics of Open Source, and . Journal of Industrial Economics, (2002)Pollution permits and environmental innovation, and . Journal of Public Economics, 62 (1-2): 127--140 (October 1996)Comparative statics of the optimal dynamic incentive contract, and . European Economic Review, 31 (4): 901--926 (June 1987)Preemption, leapfrogging and competition in patent races, , , and . European Economic Review, 22 (1): 3--31 (June 1983)Access pricing and competition, and . European Economic Review, 38 (9): 1673--1710 (December 1994)Environmental policy, compliance and innovation, and . European Economic Review, 38 (3-4): 555--562 (April 1994)Should governments commit?, and . European Economic Review, 36 (2-3): 345--353 (April 1992)Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation, and . Review of Economic Studies, 70 (3): 489-520 (2003)The Fat Cat Effect, the Puppy-Dog Play, and the Lean and Hungry Look, and . American Economic Review, (1984)