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Weitere Publikationen von Autoren mit dem selben Namen

Impure public goods and transfers in a three-agent model. Journal of Public Economics, 48 (3): 385--401 (August 1992)Sufficient conditions for the optimal degree of progression to decrease with the government revenue requirement. Economics Letters, 6 (3): 267--272 (1980)The golden rule and the Ramsey rule at a second best solution. Economics Letters, 8 (1): 89--93 (1981)Consumption tax policy and the taxation of capital income, und . Oxford Univ. Press, Oxford u.a., (2000)Public goods, und . Springer, Berlin u.a., (2005)Spillover effects and the terms of trade within a two-country model. Journal of International Economics, 22 (3-4): 203--218 (Mai 1987)The optimal linear income tax : A diagrammatic analysis. Journal of Public Economics, 34 (3): 379--390 (Dezember 1987)Tax reform and intergeneration incidence. Journal of Public Economics, 33 (3): 377--387 (August 1987)Partial welfare improvements and capital income taxation. Journal of Public Economics, 24 (1): 101--109 (Juni 1984)International public goods and contribution productivity differentials. Journal of Public Economics, 61 (1): 139--154 (Juli 1996)