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Sensor Technologies for Intelligent Transportation Systems., , and . Sensors, 18 (4): 1212 (2018)Lightweight authentication protocols for wearable devices., , and . Comput. Electr. Eng., (2017)Solving vehicular ad hoc network challenges with Big Data solutions., , and . IET Networks, 5 (4): 81-84 (2016)Impact of neighbor awareness at the MAC layer in a Vehicular Ad-Hoc Network (VANET)., , and . WiVeC, page 1-5. IEEE, (2013)Modeling Object Flows from Distributed and Federated RFID Data Streams for Efficient Tracking and Tracing., , , and . IEEE Trans. Parallel Distributed Syst., 24 (10): 2036-2045 (2013)Vehicular Communications for ITS: Standardization and Challenges., , and . IEEE Communications Standards Magazine, 4 (1): 11-17 (2020)Curbing Address Reuse in the IOTA Distributed Ledger: A Cuckoo-Filter-Based Approach., , , and . IEEE Trans. Engineering Management, 67 (4): 1244-1255 (2020)The Challenge of Improving Credibility of User-Generated Content in Online Social Networks., , and . ACM J. Data Inf. Qual., 7 (3): 13:1-13:4 (2016)Editorial for special issue of Telecommunication Systems on "Mobility management and wireless access"., , and . Telecommun. Syst., 42 (3-4): 163-164 (2009)Privacy aware IOTA ledger: Decentralized mixing and unlinkable IOTA transactions., , , and . Comput. Networks, (2019)