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Trust-Based Unenforceable Auctions.. IC-AI, стр. 45-50. CSREA Press, (2003)Editorial message: special track on e-commerce technologies., , и . SAC, стр. 789-790. ACM, (2005)Coalitions of malicious intelligent agents.. Int. J. Web Eng. Technol., 1 (4): 397-413 (2004)Editorial message: special track on E-commerce technologies., , и . SAC, стр. 757-758. ACM, (2004)What Human Trust Is and Is Not: On the Biology of Human Trust.. AAAI Spring Symposium: Trust and Autonomous Systems, том SS-13-07 из AAAI Technical Report, AAAI, (2013)Representation and analysis of coordinated attacks., и . FMSE, стр. 43-51. ACM, (2003)Auctions with Untrustworthy Bidders., и . CEC, стр. 363-. IEEE Computer Society, (2003)Editorial message: special track on e-commerce technologies., , и . SAC, стр. 865-866. ACM, (2006)Electronic Commerce Technologies Track Editorial., и . SAC, стр. 580-581. ACM, (2003)Incentive compatible mechanism for trust revelation., и . AAMAS, стр. 310-311. ACM, (2002)