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Personalization in Dynamic Assortment Planning: An Analysis Based on Multi-Agent Simulation Method., и . ES, стр. 157-162. IEEE, (2017)Studying Subway Operation in Schemes Based on the Combination of Fast and Slow Lines., , и . ES, стр. 163-167. IEEE, (2017)Development of a Generalization Bass Diffusion Model for Chinese Electric Vehicles Considering Charging Stations., , и . ES, стр. 148-156. IEEE, (2017)Semiparallel Service: Theory and Application., , и . DTPI, стр. 1-4. IEEE, (2021)Automated Reliability Assessment of On-orbit Satellite Battery Pack Based on UML., , , , и . ICSRS, стр. 230-235. IEEE, (2019)Acknowledged SoS Architecture Design Based on Agent-Based Modelling., и . CSDM Asia / CSDM, стр. 103-120. Springer, (2021)Autonomous Services: The Evolution of Services Through Intelligent Vehicles., , , , , , и . IEEE Trans. Intell. Veh., 8 (11): 4468-4473 (ноября 2023)Shared Mobility for Last-Mile Delivery: Design, Operational Prescriptions, and Environmental Impact., , , и . Manuf. Serv. Oper. Manag., 20 (4): 737-751 (2018)Human Work and Status Evaluation Based on Wearable Sensors in Human Factors and Ergonomics: A Review., , и . IEEE Trans. Hum. Mach. Syst., 49 (1): 72-84 (2019)Studies on Global Modeling Technology in Enterprise System Design and Governance., , и . CSDM Asia / CSDM, стр. 423-434. Springer, (2021)