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A Stabilized Parallel Algorithm for Direct-Form Recursive Filters., and . IEEE Trans. Computers, 40 (3): 333-336 (1991)A high throughput systolic implementation of the second order recursive filter., and . ICASSP, page 2053-2056. IEEE, (1988)On the Area of Binary Tree Layouts., and . Inf. Process. Lett., 11 (1): 46-48 (1980)Integer Factorization. (1994)Parallel Execution of a Sequence of tasks on a Asynchronous Multiprocessor., , and . Aust. Comput. J., 12 (3): 105-112 (1980)A Regular Layout for Parallel Adders., and . IEEE Trans. Computers, 31 (3): 260-264 (1982)A Comparative Study of Algorithms for Computing Continued Fractions of Algebraic Numbers., , and . ANTS, volume 1122 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 35-47. Springer, (1996)On the Efficiency of Pollard's Rho Method for Discrete Logarithms., and . CATS, volume 77 of CRPIT, page 125-131. Australian Computer Society, (2008)The Improved Krylov Subspace Methods for Large and Sparse Linear Systems on Bulk Synchronous Parallel Architecture., and . IPDPS, page 260. IEEE Computer Society, (2003)Some Linear-Time Algorithms for Systolic Arrays., , and . IFIP Congress, page 865-876. North-Holland/IFIP, (1983)