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The exchange rate and its fundamentals

, and . CESifo working paper series Univ., Center for Economic Studies u.a., Munich, (2002)

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Economics of monetary union. Oxford Univ. Press, Oxford u.a., 4. ed edition, (2000)The exchange rate and its fundamentals, and . CESifo working paper series Univ., Center for Economic Studies u.a., Munich, (2002)The economics of monetary integration. Oxford Univ. Press, Oxford u.a., (1992)International money. Oxford Univ. Press, Oxford u.a., 2. ed edition, (1996)Monetary interdependence and international monetary reform. Saxon House u.a., Farnborough, (1976)Exchange rate theory, , and . Blackwell, Oxford u.a., Reprinted edition, (1994)The economics of monetary integration. Oxford Univ. Press, Oxford u.a., 3., rev. ed. edition, (1997)Alternative strategies towards Monetary Union in Europe. Vorträge, Reden und Berichte aus dem Europa-Institut, Sektion Rechtswissenschaft Saarbrücken: Europa-Inst., (1994)International money. Clarendon u.a., Oxford, (1989)Macroeconomic theory for the open economy. Gower international library of research and practice Gower, Aldershot, Hampshire, England, (1983)