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Abnormal P300 in people with high risk of developing psychosis., , , , , , , , , and 6 other author(s). NeuroImage, 41 (2): 553--560 (June 2008)Cascade and locally dissipative realizations of linear quantum systems for pure Gaussian state covariance assignment., , , and . Autom., (2018)Stability analysis of quantum systems: A Lyapunov criterion and an invariance principle., , and . Autom., (2022)Software Piracy among Accounting Students: A Longitudinal Comparison of Changes and Sensitivity., and . J. Information Systems, 20 (1): 49-63 (2006)Two-mode squeezed states in cavity optomechanics via engineering of a single reservoir, and . (2014)cite arxiv:1404.2672Comment: 19 pages, 10 figures.A vapor pressure deficit effect on crop canopy photosynthesis, , , and . 24 (1): 27--34 (1990)On physical realizability of nonlinear quantum stochastic differential equations., , and . Autom., (2018)Calcium imaging of retinal ganglion cell dendritic responses to extracellular microelectrode stimulation., , , , , and . NER, page 438-441. IEEE, (2015)Pure Gaussian quantum states from passive Hamiltonians and an active local dissipative process., , , and . CDC, page 2519-2522. IEEE, (2016)Cascade and locally dissipative realizations of linear quantum systems for pure Gaussian state covariance assignment., , , and . CoRR, (2016)