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Augmented field Geology and Geophysics for Planetary Analogues

, , , , , , , , und . Proceedings of the EGU General Assembly 2018, Pico session: Planetary geobiological analogs for Mars and beyond: Field, lab and simulations, 20, Vienna, Austria, (April 2018)

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Augmented field Geology and Geophysics for Planetary Analogues (Poster), , , , , , , , und . Proceedings of the EGU General Assembly 2018, Pico session: Planetary geobiological analogs for Mars and beyond: Field, lab and simulations, 20, Vienna, Austria, (April 2018)Geophysical constraints on the evolution of Mars, , , , , , , , und . Space Science Reviews, 96 (1-4): 231--262 (2001)Geophysical constraints on the composition and structure of the Martian interior, , und . Journal of Geophysical Research-Planets, 110 (E12): E12008 (2005)Degree-one convection and the origin of Enceladus' dichotomy, , und . Icarus, 191 (1): 203--210 (2007)Reconstructing the subsurface of planetary volcanic analogues: ERT imaging of Lanzarote lava tubes complemented with drone stereogrammetry, surface and in-cave LiDAR and seismic investigations (Poster), , , , , , , , , und 2 andere Autor(en). Proceedings of the EGU General Assembly 2018, Pico session: Planetary geobiological analogs for Mars and beyond: Field, lab and simulations, 20, Vienna, Austria, (April 2018)Reconstructing the subsurface of planetary analogues: ERT imaging of Lanzarote lava tubes complemented with drone stereogrammatry, surface and in-cave LiDAR and seismic investigations, , , , , und . EGU General Assembly 2018, Volume 20 von Geophysical Research Abstracts, (2018)Augmented field Geology and Geophysics for Planetary Analogues, , , , , , , , und . Proceedings of the EGU General Assembly 2018, Pico session: Planetary geobiological analogs for Mars and beyond: Field, lab and simulations, 20, Vienna, Austria, (April 2018)Interior structure models and tidal Love numbers of Titan, , , , und . Journal of Geophysical Research-Planets, 108 (E12): 5130 (2003)Subsurface oceans and deep interiors of medium-sized outer planet satellites and large trans-neptunian objects,, , und . Icarus, (2006)The PLATO 2.0 Mission, , , , , , , , , und 146 andere Autor(en). (2013)cite arxiv:1310.0696Comment: 63 pages, 17 figures.