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Other publications of authors with the same name

UbiSurface: A Robotic Touch Surface for Supporting Mid-air Planar Interactions in Room-Scale VR., , , , and . Proc. ACM Hum. Comput. Interact., 7 (ISS): 376-397 (2023)WaddleWalls: Room-scale Interactive Partitioning System using a Swarm of Robotic Partitions., , , , and . UIST, page 29:1-29:15. ACM, (2022)Priority-based state machine synthesis that relaxes behavior design of multi-arm manipulators in dynamic environments., and . Adv. Robotics, 37 (5): 395-405 (March 2023)Controller Design for Linear Systems via Controllability Gramian Shaping., , , and . CCTA, page 832-838. IEEE, (2024)How People Prompt to Create Interactive VR Scenes., , , , , , and . CoRR, (2024)Self-actuated Stretchable Partitions for Dynamically Creating Secure Workplaces., , , and . CHI Extended Abstracts, page 294:1-294:6. ACM, (2021)Be Bait!: A Unique Fishing Experience with Hammock-based Underwater Locomotion Method., , , , , , , and . VR, page 1315-1316. IEEE, (2019)Understanding How a 3-dimensional ZMP Exactly Decouples the Horizontal and Vertical Dynamics of the CoM-ZMP Model., and . IROS, page 9036-9042. IEEE, (2024)Knee-stretched Biped Gait Generation along Spatially Quantized Curves., , , and . IROS, page 5120-5127. IEEE, (2021)BouncyScreen: Physical Enhancement of Pseudo-Force Feedback., , , and . VR, page 363-372. IEEE, (2021)