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Reimagining Engineering Ethics: From Ethics Education to Character Education., , , , , и . FIE, стр. 1-9. IEEE, (2019)Liberal Arts Engineering Education: Reflecting on the Past and Envisioning the Future., и . FIE, стр. 1-2. IEEE, (2019)Moral and Civic Virtues in Engineering: Reimagining Engineering Ethics to Cultivate Virtuous Engineers., , , и . FIE, стр. 1-3. IEEE, (2023)Scoping Review of Character Development Pedagogies in Engineering Education., , , и . FIE, стр. 1-12. IEEE, (2022)Integrating developmental instruction in four sustainability contexts into an undergraduate engineering design curriculum: Level three., , и . FIE, стр. 1-6. IEEE Computer Society, (2012)Understanding industry experiences: From problem solving to engineering students' learning gains., , , и . FIE, стр. 1-6. IEEE Computer Society, (2012)Engineering Education Meets Organizational Science: Toward Best Practices for Strategic Change., и . FIE, стр. 1-7. IEEE, (2021)Integrating developmental instruction in sustainability contexts into an undergraduate engineering design curriculum: Level two., и . FIE, стр. S2. IEEE Computer Society, (2011)True grit: Toward a culture of psychological preparedness in engineering education., , , и . FIE, стр. 764-766. IEEE Computer Society, (2013)A comprehensive ABET-focused assessment plan designed to involve all program faculty., и . FIE, стр. 1716-1722. IEEE Computer Society, (2013)