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A Gradient-Based Metric Learning Algorithm for k-NN Classifiers, , и . AI2010: ADVANCES IN Artficial Intelligence, 6464/2011, стр. 194--203. (2011)Visual Feature Tracking with Automatic Motion Model Selection, и . Proc., JCIS, N.C. USA , Nov. 1998, стр. 322--325. (1998)Historical Film Restoration and Video Coding, и . Proceedings of PCS'96, Melbourne, Aust, March 1996, стр. 389--394. (1996)Restoration of Historical Film for Digital Compression: A Case Study, и . Proceedings of ICIP-95, Washington D.C., Oct. 1995, стр. II 49--52. IEEE, (1995)Fast evaluation of vector splines in two dimensions, и . Proc. 15th IMACS'97 World Conference on Scientific Computation, Modelling and Applied Mathematics, Berlin, August 1997, 1, стр. 469--474. Wissenschaft & Technik Verlag, (1997)Contour Tracking in Image Sequences, и . DICTA'99, Perth, Australia, стр. 110--115. (1999)Outlier Resistant GAIC Based Visual Data Segmentation, и . ACCV2000, Taipei, Taiwan, стр. 1174--1179. (2000)LTSD: A Highly Efficient Symmetry-Based Robust Estimator, и . Proceedings ICARCV2002, стр. 332--337. (2002)Thin-plate Splines in Computer Vision. Proceedings of Australasian Workshop on Thin-plate Splines, Sydney, (февраля 1994)Multi-Media and Image Compression with IFS and Wavelets, и . 1st Australian Multi-Media Communications Applications and Technology Workshop, стр. 223--228. (1991)