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IORAPE Framework : A Method to Specify Semantic Web Services.

, und . SNPD, Seite 32-38. IEEE Computer Society, (2004)

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Monitoring patterns of urban heat islands of the fast-growing Shanghai metropolis, China: Using time-series of Landsat TM/ETM+ data., , und . Int. J. Appl. Earth Obs. Geoinformation, (2012)Identifying Actionable Serial Correlations in Financial Markets., , , , , und . Frontiers Appl. Math. Stat., (2021)A comparison of FFS+LAC with AdaBoost for training a vehicle localizer., , , und . ACPR, Seite 42-46. IEEE, (2011)Complete nucleotide sequence analysis of tolC gene from actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae., , , und . BMEI, Seite 804-808. IEEE, (2014)Green organic light-emitting diodes with improved stability and efficiency utilizing a wide band gap material as the host., , , , und . Displays, 29 (5): 502-505 (2008)Optimal Design of the Joint Network LDPC Codes for Half-Duplex Cooperative Multi-access Relay Channel., , , und . INCoS, Seite 622-625. IEEE, (2013)Observations of field-aligned irregularities in the ionosphere using multi-frequency range imaging technique., , , , und . IGARSS, Seite 3929-3932. IEEE, (2015)QUADS: question answering for decision support., , , und . SIGIR, Seite 375-384. ACM, (2014)An Improved Adaptive Genetic Algorithm in Cloud Computing., , , und . PDCAT, Seite 294-297. IEEE, (2012)FFT-DMAC: A Tone Based MAC Protocol with Directional Antennas., , , und . GLOBECOM, Seite 3661-3665. IEEE, (2007)