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BSense: a system for enabling automated broadband census: short paper., and . NSDR, page 9. ACM, (2010)VALI - an SDN-based management framework for public wireless LANs: poster., , and . MobiCom, page 443-444. ACM, (2016)Experimental evaluation of read performance for RFID-based mobile sensor data gathering applications., and . MUM, page 92-95. ACM, (2008)Group Communications in Narrowband-IoT: Architecture, Procedures, and Evaluation., , , , and . IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 5 (3): 1539-1549 (2018)A Learning-based Approach for Distributed Multi-Radio Channel Assignment in Wireless Mesh Networks., , and . ICNP, page 31-41. IEEE Computer Society, (2009)Poster: a hybrid approach for indoor mobile phone localization., , , , and . MobiSys, page 527-528. ACM, (2012)Poster: am i indoor or outdoor?, , , and . MobiCom, page 401-404. ACM, (2014)Understanding the role of multi-rate retry mechanism for effective rate control in 802.11 wireless LANs., and . LCN, page 305-308. IEEE Computer Society, (2009)Pazl: A mobile crowdsensing based indoor WiFi monitoring system., , and . CNSM, page 75-83. IEEE Computer Society, (2013)ZipWeave: Towards efficient and reliable measurement based mobile coverage maps., , , and . INFOCOM, page 1-9. IEEE, (2017)