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A Data-Driven Approach for Multi-level Packing Problems in Manufacturing Industry., , , , и . KDD, стр. 1762-1770. ACM, (2019)CoinMagic: A Differential Privacy Framework for Ring Signature Schemes., , , , , , , и . CoRR, (2020)A Novel Approach for Vendor Combination Selection in Supply Chain Management., , и . Australian Conference on Artificial Intelligence, том 3809 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 1331-1334. Springer, (2005)A Novel Game-Theory-Based Analysis Approach for Running a Supply Chain Project., , и . ICIC (2), том 4114 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 1014-1019. Springer, (2006)Incorporating Audio Cues into Dialog and Action Scene Extraction., , и . Storage and Retrieval for Media Databases, том 5021 из SPIE Proceedings, стр. 252-263. SPIE, (2003)A Multi-Level Index Structure for Video Databases., , и . Multimedia Information Systems, стр. 28-37. Arizona State University, (2002)Extreme Learning Machine for large-scale graph classification based on MapReduce., , , , и . Neurocomputing, (2017)A hybrid approach for efficient provenance storage., , , , , , и . CIKM, стр. 1752-1756. ACM, (2012)Designing Hybrid Cloud Computing Framework using OpenStack for Supporting Multimedia with Security and Privacy., , , и . MobiMedia, стр. 184-189. ACM, (2016)Design and implement of neural network based fractional order PIalpha controller., , , , , и . ICNC, стр. 215-219. IEEE, (2010)