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Emergence of control in artistic expressions and the process of expretise.

, and . CogSci,, (2012)

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Interaction between Idea-generation and Idea-externalization Processes in Artistic Creation: Study of an Expert Breakdancer., , and . CogSci, page 1041-1047., (2019)Emergence of control in artistic expressions and the process of expretise., and . CogSci,, (2012)Process of Improvisational Contemporary Dance., and . CogSci,, (2012)What Makes Collaborations Across a Distance Succeed? The Case of the Cognitive Science Community, , and . Distributed Work, chapter 17, MIT Press, (2002)Creative Process of Improvised Street Dance., and . CogSci,, (2012)Formation of an art concept: How is visual information from photography utilized by the artist in concept formation?, , and . CogSci,, (2013)A case study of formation of an art concept by a contemporary artist: Analysis of the utilization of drawing in the early phase., , and . CogSci, page 3367., (2019)Formation of an art concept: A case study using quantitative analysis of a contemporary artist's interview data., , , and . CogSci,, (2015)The Growth of Multidisciplinarity in the Cognitive Science Society., , and . Cogn. Sci., 22 (1): 107-130 (1998)Dynamics of Interaction with the Environment in Creativity: Embodied Imagination Framework., and . CogSci,, (2022)