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Other publications of authors with the same name

Consensus based distributed change detection using Generalized Likelihood Ratio methodology., , , and . Signal Process., 92 (7): 1715-1728 (2012)Decentralized Parameter Estimation by Consensus Based Stochastic Approximation., , and . IEEE Trans. Autom. Control., 56 (3): 531-543 (2011)Distributed Offset Correction for Time Synchronization in Networks with Random Delays., , and . ECC, page 2212-2217. IEEE, (2018)Distributed Consensus-Based Multi-Agent Off-Policy Temporal-Difference Learning., , and . CDC, page 5976-5981. IEEE, (2021)Distributed calibration for sensor networks under communication errors and measurement noise., , and . CDC, page 1380-1385. IEEE, (2012)A consensus based overlapping decentralized estimator in lossy networks: Stability and denoising effects., , and . ACC, page 4364-4369. IEEE, (2008)Distributed Stochastic Approximation: Weak Convergence and Network Design., , and . IEEE Trans. Automat. Contr., 61 (12): 4069-4074 (2016)Distributed Macro Calibration via Output Synchronization in Lossy Sensor Networks., , and . CoRR, (2013)Distributed mobility and power control for noncooperative robotic ad hoc and sensor networks., and . CDC/ECC, page 2938-2943. IEEE, (2011)Distributed Actor-Critic Learning Using Emphatic Weightings., , and . CoDIT, page 1167-1172. IEEE, (2022)