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Evaluating the effects of early intervention. A mismatch between process and product?. Am J Dis Child, 147 (1): 12--13 (января 1993)Accepted and controversial neuromotor therapies for infants at high risk for cerebral palsy., , и . J Perinatol, 8 (1): 3--13 (1988)Effects of inhibitive ankle-foot orthoses on standing balance in a child with cerebral palsy. A single-subject design., и . Phys Ther, 66 (5): 663--667 (мая 1986)Evidence for an extraterrestrial impact 12,900 years ago that contributed to the megafaunal extinctions and the Younger Dryas cooling., , , , , , , , , и 16 other автор(ы). Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, (09.10.2007)10.1073/pnas.0706977104.Early detection of cerebral palsy: sensitivity and specificity of two motor assessment tools.. J Perinatol, 7 (1): 11--15 (1987)Effects of 'tone-reducing' vs. standard plaster-casts on gait improvement of children with cerebral palsy., , , , , , и . Dev Med Child Neurol, 30 (3): 370--377 (июня 1988)Joint mobilization for children with central nervous system disorders: indications and precautions., и . Phys Ther, 71 (12): 890--896 (декабря 1991)A study of a dynamic proximal stability splint in the management of children with cerebral palsy.. Dev Med Child Neurol, 38 (2): 181--183 (февраля 1996)Erosion by flowing lava: Field evidence, , , , , и . Journal of Geophysical Research-Solid Earth, 103 (B11): 27325--27345 (1998)Effects of ankle-foot orthoses on functional motor performance in a child with spastic diplegia., и . Am J Occup Ther, 40 (7): 492--494 (июля 1986)