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Weitere Publikationen von Autoren mit dem selben Namen

Drivers and Effects of IT Capability in 'Born-Global' Firms: A Cross-National Study., , und . ICIS, Seite 98. Association for Information Systems, (2007)A novel error analysis of nonconforming finite element for the clamped Kirchhoff plate with elastic unilateral obstacle., , und . Networks Heterog. Media, 18 (3): 1178-1189 (2023)A new locally divergence-free WLS-ENO scheme based on the positivity-preserving finite volume method for ideal MHD equations., , , und . J. Comput. Phys., (2021)Experimental Investigation on the Symmetry and Stabilization of Ethanol Spray Swirling Flames Utilizing Simultaneous PIV/OH-PLIF Measurements., , , , , , , , und . Symmetry, 16 (2): 205 (Februar 2024)Toward practical remote iris recognition: A boosting based framework., , , , und . Neurocomputing, (2019)New Generation Power System Security Protection Technology Based on Dynamic Defense., , , , , , , und . ICAIS (3), Volume 13340 von Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Seite 710-721. Springer, (2022)Applications of Machine Learning for 5G Advanced Wireless Systems., , , , und . IWCMC, Seite 1700-1704. IEEE, (2021)EMB: A Curated Corpus of Web/Enterprise Applications And Library Support for Software Testing Research., , , , , , und . ICST, Seite 433-442. IEEE, (2023)Group Activity Representation Learning with Self-supervised Predictive Coding., , , und . PRCV (3), Volume 13536 von Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Seite 207-219. Springer, (2022)ISP-Teacher: Image Signal Process with Disentanglement Regularization for Unsupervised Domain Adaptive Dark Object Detection., , , , , und . AAAI, Seite 7387-7395. AAAI Press, (2024)