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Weitere Publikationen von Autoren mit dem selben Namen

Towards model-driven generation of secure workflow designs using patterns (short paper)., , und . ER (Companion), Volume 3618 von CEUR Workshop Proceedings,, (2023)Objective and Subjective Algorithms for Grouping Association Rules., , und . ICDM, Seite 477-480. IEEE Computer Society, (2003)Prioritized Goals and Subgoals in a Logical Account of Goal Change - A Preliminary Report., und . DALT, Volume 5948 von Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Seite 119-136. Springer, (2009)When is a Program an Actual Cause?, , und . ICLP Workshops, Volume 2970 von CEUR Workshop Proceedings,, (2021)Necessary and Sufficient Conditions for Actual Root Causes., und . ECAI, Volume 325 von Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications, Seite 800-808. IOS Press, (2020)From Actions to Programs as Abstract Actual Causes., , und . AAAI, Seite 5470-5478. AAAI Press, (2022)Temporal relevance in dynamic decision networks with sparse evidence., und . SMC, Seite 6. IEEE, (2002)Infinite Paths in the Situation Calculus: Axiomatization and Properties., und . KR, Seite 565-568. AAAI Press, (2016)ECASL: a model of rational agency for communicating agents., und . AAMAS, Seite 762-769. ACM, (2005)A Model of Rational Agency for Communicating Agents., und . AC, Volume 3396 von Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Seite 242-259. Springer, (2004)