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Weitere Publikationen von Autoren mit dem selben Namen

On the Performance of Iterative Demapping and Decoding Techniques over Quasi-Static Fading Channels., , , , und . PIMRC, Seite 1-5. IEEE, (2007)Evolution Game Theoretic Optimization of Realistic Cooperative Networks Using Power Control with Imperfect Feedback., , und . ICC, Seite 1-5. IEEE, (2011)Distributed Amplify-and-Forward cooperation while maintaining transmission freedom., , und . CSNDSP, Seite 341-346. IEEE, (2010)Speech Quality Prediction in VoIP Concatenating Multiple Markov-Based Channels., , und . AICT, Seite 226-230. IEEE Computer Society, (2010)A Union Bound Approximation for Rapid Performance Evaluation of Punctured Turbo Codes., , , und . CISS, Seite 474-479. IEEE, (2007)Error Probability Analysis of Unselfish Cooperation over Quasi-Static Fading Channels., , , und . VTC Spring, Seite 1-5. IEEE, (2010)MIMO-OFDM with LDPC codes for broadband FWA systems., , und . Communication Systems and Networks, Seite 68-73. IASTED/ACTA Press, (2006)Performance Evaluation of Voice Call over an IP based Network., , und . CISS, Seite 392-395. IEEE, (2007)Cooperative amplify-and-forward with trellis coded modulation., , , und . WCNC, Seite 18-22. IEEE, (2009)Analysis and design of punctured rate-1/2 turbo codes exhibiting low error floors., , , und . IEEE J. Sel. Areas Commun., 27 (6): 944-953 (2009)