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A mm-sized implantable power receiver with adaptive link compensation.

, , and . ISSCC, page 294-295. IEEE, (2009)

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Correction to öptimum power control for successive interference cancellation with imperfect channel estimation"., and . IEEE Trans. Wirel. Commun., 2 (3): 601 (2003)Transmit power and other-cell interference reduction via successive interference cancellation with imperfect channel estimation., and . ICC, page 1940-1944. IEEE, (2001)Computing the Optimal Amount of Constellation Distortion in OFDM Systems., , and . ICC, page 2918-2923. IEEE, (2007)A convex interior-point method for optimal OFDM PAR reduction., and . ICC, page 1985-1990. IEEE, (2005)Core capacity region of energy-limited wireless ad hoc networks., and . ITW, page 207. IEEE, (2002)Increasing the Performance of Cortically-Controlled Prostheses., , , , , , , , , and 3 other author(s). EMBC (Supplement), page 6652-6656. IEEE, (2006)Reconfigurable computing for learning Bayesian networks., , and . FPGA, page 203-211. ACM, (2008)A Scalable Entropy Code., and . Data Compression Conference, page 581. IEEE Computer Society, (1998)Merge: a programming model for heterogeneous multi-core systems., , , and . ASPLOS, page 287-296. ACM, (2008)FeRAM Circuit Technology for System on a Chip., , , , , , , , and . Evolvable Hardware, page 193-. IEEE Computer Society, (1999)