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Real-Life/Real-Time Elderly Fall Detection with a Triaxial Accelerometer., , and . Sensors, 18 (4): 1101 (2018)The new communication network for an internet of everything based security/safety/general management/visitor's services for the Papal Basilica and Sacred Convent of Saint Francis in Assisi, Italy., , , , , , , , , and 3 other author(s). ICCST, page 1-6. IEEE, (2017)Speaker Verification System for Online Education Platforms., , and . ICCST, page 1-5. IEEE, (2018)Architecture of instant messaging systems for secure data transmision., , , and . ICCST, page 1-7. IEEE, (2016)Characterization of the Handwriting Skills as a Biomarker for Parkinson Disease., , , , , , , , and . CoRR, (2019)Performance Evaluation of SoC-FPGA Based Floating-Point Implementation of GMM for Real-Time Background Subtraction., , , , and . WEA, volume 1052 of Communications in Computer and Information Science, page 126-134. Springer, (2019)The 4NSigComp2010 Off-line Signature Verification Competition: Scenario 2., , and . ICFHR, page 721-726. IEEE Computer Society, (2010)Off-line Signature Verification Based on Gray Level Information Using Wavelet Transform and Texture Features., , , and . ICFHR, page 587-592. IEEE Computer Society, (2010)Simplified EEG inverse solution for BCI real-time implementation., , and . EMBC, page 4051-4054. IEEE, (2016)Offline Signature Verification Based on Pseudo-Cepstral Coefficients., , , and . ICDAR, page 126-130. IEEE Computer Society, (2009)