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Characterizing Scientific Reporting in Security Literature: An analysis of ACM CCS and IEEE S&P Papers., , , , , , , , , и 1 other автор(ы). HotSoS, стр. 13-23. ACM, (2017)Towards Automated Verification of Active Cyber Defense Strategies on Software Defined Networks., и . SafeConfig@CCS, стр. 23-29. ACM, (2016)ConfigChecker: A tool for comprehensive security configuration analytics., и . SafeConfig, IEEE, (2011)Verifying the Enforcement and Effectiveness of Network Lateral Movement Resistance Techniques., , и . ICETE (2), стр. 412-423. SciTePress, (2018)Optimizing the RoI of cyber risk mitigation., , и . CNSM, стр. 223-227. IEEE, (2016)Security configuration analytics using video games., и . CNS, стр. 256-264. IEEE, (2014)Objective metrics for firewall security: A holistic view., , и . CNS, стр. 470-477. IEEE, (2013)Enterprise Risk Assessment Based on Compliance Reports and Vulnerability Scoring Systems., и . SafeConfig, стр. 25-28. ACM, (2014)Automated Cyber Risk Mitigation: Making Informed Cost-Effective Decisions., и . Adaptive Autonomous Secure Cyber Systems, Springer, (2020)gExtractor: Towards Automated Extraction of Malware Deception Parameters., , , и . SSPREW@ACSAC, стр. 2:1-2:12. ACM, (2018)