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Weitere Publikationen von Autoren mit dem selben Namen

Improvement on power efficiency of MPSK by employing elliptical signals., und . WCNC, Seite 1921-1926. IEEE, (2006)Parameter Estimation via Unlabeled Sensing Using Distributed Sensors., , , und . IEEE Communications Letters, 21 (10): 2130-2133 (2017)A Complete Design of Coexistence Information Service for Autonomous Decision-Making Systems in TV White Space., , , , , und . IEICE Trans. Commun., 95-B (4): 1230-1240 (2012)An Ultra-Low Power K band Balanced Frequency Doubler with a Novel Current-reused Structure., , , , , , , , und . ESSCIRC, Seite 443-446. IEEE, (2021)A Passive Radar Prototype Based on Multi-channel Joint Detection and Its Test Results., , , , , und . SAM, Seite 1-5. IEEE, (2020)An enhanced feature detection method for DTV signals., und . WPMC, Seite 50-54. IEEE, (2012)Coexistence protocol design for autonomous decision-making systems in TV white space., , , , , und . WCNC, Seite 3249-3254. IEEE, (2012)Multi-Satellite Tracking For The LEO Satellite Communication Network., , , , und . ICC, Seite 3082-3087. IEEE, (2022)A Fast Calibration Method for Phased Arrays by Using the Graph Coloring Theory., , , , , und . Sensors, 18 (12): 4315 (2018)Proposal and Hardware Implementation of a Partial Bandwidth Based Feature Detection Method for Sensing under Adjacent Channel Interference., und . IEEE Trans. Wirel. Commun., 12 (11): 5444-5453 (2013)